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Why Is Installing Solar Panels At Your Home Important?

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The renewable energy industry is booming across Queensland. In fact, according to the financial comparison site, Canstar, we’re leading the way and have the highest level of solar penetration in the country, with more than half a million rooftop solar systems installed — and it seems that most of us are happy with the results.

Almost two-thirds of respondents in a recent Canstar survey also agreed that installing solar panels was a good financial investment. So if you’re looking to invest in the best solar panel systems for your Brisbane home or are in the early stages of researching your options, you’ve come to the right place. Green Energy Technologies are experts in the renewable energy industry and have supplied households with high-quality solar solutions for several years.

In this blog, we’ll explain how solar systems in Brisbane work, the benefits of solar panels for homes, and where you can purchase your own system.

How do solar systems in Brisbane work?

While solar systems may look complicated, their generation process is actually pretty simple. During the day, your solar panels absorb and convert the sun’s rays into a direct current (DC). Your solar inverter then converts the DC into an alternating current (AC), the electricity that can run through appliances.

The benefits of solar panels for homes

While they may be a big investment, solar panels can provide the average household with a range of benefits, from energy savings to increasing the value of their property. So if you’re considering a Brisbane solar power system, here are five things you can look forward to:

1. Reducing your energy bills

According to a recent report by the Queensland Competition Authority, power bills are expected to increase by 9.2% or $119 annually in regional Queensland. One of the biggest benefits of a home solar panel system is that it reduces your energy bills and is one of the sole reasons homeowners look to invest in these products. According to Canstar,the average home solar power system in Brisbane provides a credit of $271 on a household’s electricity bill per quarter, totalling an impressive $1,084 a year.

Energy bills are one of a household’s largest expenses, and with the rising cost of living becoming unmanageable for many Australians, homeowners may be looking to cut costs wherever possible, including generating their own power to reduce their dependence on their energy provider.

2. Lowering your carbon footprint

Queensland is known for having some of the hottest summers around, making the potential generation for solar energy in Brisbane massive. Solar panels produce renewable energy, a clean and replenishable energy source that does not emit greenhouse gasses.

Having the ability to generate this much clean power helps make a positive impact on the environment. In fact, figures from 2019 show that a 10kW home solar system offsets 14 tonnes of CO2 every year. Solar also uses little to no water during generation, unlike fossil fuels, which churn through 383 billion litres of water annually.

3. Earning a profit on excess generation

Many homeowners opt to store their excess renewable energy in a solar battery as part of their home solar panel installation — though this isn’t a mandatory requirement. If you don’t choose to install a battery, you can still benefit from the excess power.

Households can sell their excess renewable energy back to the grid through a feed-in tariff. The rates vary between energy providers, so you must check your retailer’s current feed-in tariff rates.

Green Energy Technologies allows households to regularly monitor their energy consumption and feed-in tariff potential via our 24/7 monitoring feature to maximise their savings and potential earnings from their home solar panel system.

4. Increasing the value of your home

Solar panels can increase your property’s value, like adding any new fixture to your home. Many prospective homeowners look to purchase homes with smart technologies, like solar panels and are willing to pay top dollar for it. This may be an ideal scenario in the future if you decide to downsize and sell your home.

5. Low maintenance

The best solar panels for homes generally last between 20-25 years if they are well-maintained. Solar panels are self-sufficient systems that don’t require much maintenance other than a regular clean to remove dust, debris and other accumulated waste. This is ideal for homeowners who don’t want the hassle of constantly checking in on their system to ensure it’s working correctly.

As part of our service, Green Energy Technologies provide ongoing service and maintenance for all our solar products. Whether you’re based in Townsville or Mackay, rest assured that if your system isn’t performing as it should, you’ll immediately receive an alert, and we’ll be in touch to organise a repair from one of our local installers.

Install the best solar panels for your home with Green Energy Technologies

Based in the Whitsundays area, Green Energy Technologies are your local solar panel and green energy experts. We’ve used our industry knowledge and experience to create a solar package we believe will satisfy households across Queensland.

Our GET360 Package is broken down into three stages: GET Going, GET Control and GET Battery, which includes your panels, the inverter, the installation and ongoing maintenance.

We understand that no household is the same, which is why all our Brisbane solar solutions are tailored to customers and their power needs. And to guarantee our work, we only offer customers the choice of top-quality products installed by our CEC Accredited Installers and A Grade Electricians.

Whether you’re browsing our blog or brushing up on your solar FAQs, we want to empower our customers through knowledge to help them make more informed choices about their energy consumption. Get a quote today or call us on 07 4940 2900 and take your first step toward a $0 energy bill.

Fun Facts About Solar Panels

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From helping Aussies make their morning cup of coffee to powering smart bins across the country, solar power has truly taken off in Australia. As of 31 January 2022, more than three million rooftop solar PV systems have been installed nationwide, accounting for 30% of all homes in Australia!

Australians are no strangers to the benefits of solar power for homes, from lowering energy bills to reducing greenhouse gasses and positively impacting the environment. But aside from the important bits, solar panels have an impressive history and boast some pretty impressive facts.

We are madly passionate about solar panels at Green Energy Technologies and have been for several years. That’s why we’ve decided to share some of our favourite fun facts about solar panels!

Fun fact #1 — Solar has been around for more than 200 years

While it may seem like solar has only recently come onto the scene, the technology has actually been around for almost 200 years. It all started back in 1839 when French physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel found a photovoltaic effect of electricity generated from direct sunlight.

But that’s not all. Ready for another interesting fact about solar panels? Just over 100 years later, in 1941, inventor Russell Ohl created the world’s first solar panel cell, and Bell Laboratories introduced the first commercial solar panel shortly after in 1954.

Fun fact #2 — Las Vegas runs solely on renewable energy

Known for its bright lights and non-stop casinos, Las Vegas is also home to massive solar lovers. In fact, solar panels and commercial solar power now play a massive role in powering all of the city’s facilities!

With the launch of a 100-megawatt solar farm, the city could purchase enough renewable energy to power more than 100 buildings, parks, street lights and other facilities. And as of December 2016, the city’s mayor announced that Las Vegas had successfully transitioned to 100% clean energy.

At the time, most of the city’s green power came from the desert sun, but the city has now gone on to source additional clean energy from hydropower — a renewable energy source made from moving water.

Fun fact #3 — Solar panels pay themselves off in less than ten years

One commonly asked question about solar panels is how long they can be expected to pay themselves off — also known as the payback period. Depending on the system you choose to invest in, the average solar panel system could initially set you back an average of $4,000 to $10,000. While this can be a significant upfront cost for many Australians, it doesn’t take long for solar panels to provide a decent ROI.

Depending on your location and rooftop solar system, you can expect your solar panel system to pay itself off within three to eight years. And to make things even more impressive, another cool fact about solar panels in Queensland is that thanks to the state’s abundance of sunshine, it could take you less than five years to recoup the funds.

Fun fact #4 — Queensland leads the way in solar panel uptake in Australia

Of course, we couldn’t resist adding this to our list of facts about solar panels on houses. While most of the country has taken great strides toward adopting solar panels and investing in renewable energy, according to Canstar, Queensland is leading the way!

The financial comparison site revealed that Queensland has the highest level of solar penetration in the country, with more than half a million solar PV systems installed. And thanks to our trailblazing efforts, in 2020, the Queensland Government reported that Mackay was in one of the top five Australian solar postcodes.

But that’s not to say the rest of the country doesn’t have anything to smile about. The Australian PV Institute revealed that as of 30 September 2022, there have been more than 3.27 million solar panel installations across the country, with a combined capacity of 28.2 gigawatts.

Fun fact #5 — Solar panels can involve a community

While many PV systems have been designed to power the average Australian household, one fact about solar panel energy is that when coupled with additional systems, they have the potential to generate enough electricity to power a community.

Community solar farms use more than one renewable energy system to power several homes, buildings, non-profit organisations and more. Not only does this mean lower energy bills for all participants, but it also reduces a community’s dependency on fossil fuels.

To date, the largest community solar farm is the Majura project. Located in the ACT, the project has a total of 550 participants and is reportedly preventing 1,700 tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.

Experience all the fun and profitable benefits of solar with Green Energy Technologies

Whether you’re looking to learn more fun facts about solar panels or ready to experience the benefits for yourself, Green Energy Technologies can help. Our mission is to help Australians lower their power bills with the latest renewable energy technologies.

We specialise in solar panel installation for households across Townsville, the Whitsundays and more. We have a range of solar packages with all of our systems made from the highest quality, plus our local solar panel installers are CEC Accredited installers and A Grade electricians.

Our solar for home GET360 Package is available in three stages: GET Going, GET Control and GET Battery. This includes your panels, the inverter, plus installation and ongoing maintenance.

If you would like to find out how much a high-quality solar panel system could cost, request a quote or call us at 07 4940 2900 today.

Should I Buy a Solar Battery?

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If you’re looking to save even more on your energy bill (and you’re starting to think about the next cyclone season), then a solar battery probably seems like the next most logical decision. While solar batteries are great for maximising your solar system and becoming more self-sufficient, there are a few important things to consider before taking the storage leap.

How much energy am I exporting?

Most people think that once you have solar, you should get a battery. But the first thing you need to look at is how much energy you are exporting to the grid. A solar battery is charged by the excess energy your solar system produces that you’re not able to use immediately. If your household uses very little power during the day, then you’re most likely exporting a lot of your solar to the grid. A battery storage system might be a perfect solution for you.

However, if you’re home during the day and you export very little of your solar energy back to the grid, then a battery will be of very little use to you. Check your monitoring or turn to the second page of your electricity bill and look at how many kWhs of solar you are exporting every month. You should be exporting enough energy to the grid to power the battery. For example, if you’re thinking about purchasing a 7kWh battery, you should be exporting a minimum of 7kWhs a day to the grid. It is possible to charge your battery with power from the grid however this would be counterproductive if your intent is extra savings.

How much is your Feed-in Tariff?

If you’re on a high feed-in tariff (FIT) and you’re exporting a lot of your solar energy, then a battery might not be needed. The agreement you’ve made with your energy retailer may also prevent you from installing battery power if you wish to keep your FIT. Depending on how high your FiT is, you will likely save more by exporting the energy to the grid rather than storing it to use at night. A good rule of thumb is that if your FiT is higher than what you are paying for grid power, you should export it back to the grid to get the FiT. If it is less than what you pay (which it usually is in most cases today) a battery could be a good option.

How does the return on investment look?

Like any investment, it’s important to analyse your return. Sit down and work out how much you’ll save against how much you’ll spend and determine how long it will take you to recoup your money. It’s also important to take into consideration how you’re going to pay for it. If you’ve got the money sitting in the bank, then it might be more viable than taking out a loan and paying interest. It may also give you a better return on investment than leaving it in the bank.

Does it have back-up functionality?

While it’s most common for people to install batteries for the extra savings, a lot of people purchase them because they live in an area with grid instability. It’s important to do your research and ensure your battery has back up functionality. Some battery storage systems will only work while connected to power so it’s important to be aware of this when making the switch.

Just like going solar, purchasing a battery storage system should be well thought out. It’s important to do your research and make sure that it’s the right choice and the right time for you to make the switch. Battery storage systems are still a little expensive for a lot of households to make the switch, but just like we saw with solar panels, the price will eventually drop, making them more accessible to the greater population.

If you have any more questions, or if you’re unsure if a battery is right for you, contact our team of solar experts on (07) 4940 2900 and we’ll help you find the right system depending on your usage!

3 Reasons Why it’s the Perfect Time to #GETSolar

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As we approach summer, the longer, HOTTER days are just around the corner. Before you know it, you’ll be cranking up the aircons, firing up the BBQ and lounging by the pool. For us North Queenslanders, this is already well underway.

Hotter days often mean higher power bills. So, there’s no better time to take the plunge and invest in a solar system! Still need convincing? Check out our top 3 reasons to #GETSolar below.

Reason #1- STC rebate drops

For every 1,000 kWh of the estimated production between the date a solar system is installed and 2030, systems are awarded one STC. 

What does an STC do for you? Every STC earned sells for an average of $35-$40. To put that into perspective, in 2020, a 10kW system earns close to 150 STC’s. With these specs, the rebate you’d receive is  $5250- $6000! This can reduce the upfront cost of a system by nearly a third! 

Who doesn’t love to save money on something that will pay off for them in the future? However, after December 31st, the rebate that’s available for small-scale technology certificates (STC’s) drops. Every year you don’t install solar, you could be missing out on huge upfront savings. 

Reason #2- Solar is now the CHEAPEST form of electricity!

According to the International Energy Agencies (IEA) World Energy Outlook survey, solar power is now the cheapest way to produce electricity in history. The future cost of solar was previously estimated well above the recent figures. It has proved to be anywhere from 30% to 50% cheaper than the initial estimation.  

With this in mind, using solar to power both homes and businesses is increasing rapidly. In fact, the first large-scale solar energy coverage in Australia occurred on a day just last month when solar energy was able to cover the entire demand of South Australia. 

There has been a progressive increase in efficiency alongside a decrease in cost of PV panels. With the technology ever evolving, the reliance on solar will continue to rise around the world especially since solar panels can be fitted virtually anywhere, even on water!

Reason #3- Highest Production Time Means a CHEAPER Power Bill!

It’s no secret that summer is the best time for solar energy production (with spring at a close second), but did you know, last summer in Brisbane, daylight peaked at 13h 52m. Not only is this good for our beach lovers, but it’s also really handy for our solar panels!

This means that the panels have a sufficient amount of time to soak up the sun’s rays and produce an optimal amount of power the entire day. An average Queensland power bill insummer is anywhere from $400-$700! The sooner you install a system, the more money you could be saving during these high powered months.

Why Choose Us? 

Making the decision to invest in a Solar System can be daunting. With so much information circulating and so many different companies vying for your attention, it’s easy to put off the decision to invest.

At Green Energy Technologies, we take the guesswork out of choosing a system. We offer in -person consultations where our solar experts can assess exactly what will meet your needs. After we’ve discussed what system and/or batteries suit you, our CEC accredited Installers will come out and get your system up and running. Our installers will explain everything in depth and be there to help every step of the way. 

If you’d like to learn more, call our team of solar experts for a no-obligation chat today!



Should I Get More Solar Panels?

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If you’re looking to save even more on your energy bill, then a solar upgrade might be the most logical decision. While upgrading your system might be great for maximising your savings and becoming even more self-sufficient, there are a few important things to consider before going bigger.

How much are your bills currently?

Depending on when you had your system installed or if there’s been any changes to the household energy habits, the system may no longer be big enough. Not so long ago, the maximum system size was 5kW. Grid connected solar systems in Queensland can now go up to 10kW of inverter capacity on a single phase home and up to 13kW of solar panels, so you may still be able to go bigger.

The first thing you need to look at is how much energy you are drawing from the grid on top of what your system is already providing. Going bigger will undoubtedly provide extra savings on your power bill. But how much is too much?

The easiest way is to check your monitoring or turn to the second page of your electricity bill and look at how many kWhs of solar you are exporting every month and how much you are using. If your export amount is minimal and you’re still using a lot of power, then adding more panels or an additional system might be a good solution. For example, if you’ve got an existing 5kW system and you’ve still got power bills of $350 or more, then it would be a good idea to consider going bigger. 

How much is your Feed-in Tariff?

If you’re on a high feed-in tariff (FIT) then going bigger may not be the best solution for you. A good rule of thumb is that if your FiT is higher than what you are paying for grid power, you should export as much as possible back to the grid to get the FiT. The agreement you’ve made with your energy retailer may also prevent you from installing additional panels if you wish to keep your FIT. If you are sending very little back to the grid and not seeing much benefit from the high tariff, it would pay to talk to your local solar installer about other energy saving ways to ensure you are getting the highest return. 

If you are on a low FIT, you will likely save more exporting the energy to the grid than installing a battery, so going bigger may be a great option to reduce your bills even further. 

How does the return on investment look?

Like any investment, it’s important to analyse your return. Sit down and work out how much you’ll save against how much you’ll spend and determine how long it will take you to recoup your money. It’s also important to take into consideration how you’re going to pay for it. If you’ve got the money sitting in the bank, then it might be more viable than taking out a loan and paying interest. It may also give you a better return on investment than leaving it in the bank.

The system was already in place when we bought the house…

While it’s very common these days to purchase a home with solar, a lot of people have not purchased a solar system and are unsure what to expect to see on their bill. The FIT will automatically be moved across to the new account holder, so there is nothing you would need to do in regards to your energy retailer. Often though, the new homeowner is unsure if the system is working as it should and what savings are to be expected. It would be a good idea to get in touch with the company that installed the system to discuss the savings expectations from the system and how many kilowatts it should produce each day on average. If the company is no longer in business, then look for a quality local installer that has a strong service department. They will be able to go through the savings expectations and also make any recommendations for possible upgrades. 

Just like going solar for the first time, purchasing an additional system or upgrading your existing system should be well thought out. It’s important to do your research and make sure that it’s the right choice, the right size and you are installing it with a company you can trust.

For any more information or to talk all things solar, call our team of local experts for an obligation-free chat.

Why Bigger Is Better For Rooftop Solar

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Sometimes in life, size really does matter… And this can be true for your solar system.

If you’re wondering what size solar system to install or whether to add to your current system, you may be surprised to hear that bigger is better, even if you don’t use much electricity.

In Queensland, residents can now install up to 10kW of inverter capacity and 13kW of solar panels, all while connected to the grid. And for those that already have a system installed, they will still receive more rebate. You could even go up to 18kW of panels when you add a battery to the mix! This was previously limited to 5kW and probably won’t last forever, so now is the time to go big… or go home!

A study by the Alternative Technology Association (ATA) found that larger rooftop solar systems have always enjoyed economies of scale compared to smaller systems. One of the simplest reasons being – while the installer is on the roof, it’s relatively easy for them to add more panels, especially if you plan to expand or add a pool like a lot of our North Queensland customers.

But why install more panels than you need – even if it’s inexpensive to do so? The answer, according to the ATA report, is that larger solar systems offer reduced grid power consumption and a better return on energy sent back to the grid – particularly as solar tariffs around the country are being raised in line with soaring power prices. For example, a 5kW system might offset around 40% of electricity usage but a 10kW has the capacity to offset up to 85% of electricity usage in some cases. In turn, these bill savings add up to a shorter payback time on the system – i.e. the number of years until bill savings recover the upfront installation cost.

In addition to reduced power bills and quicker payback periods, here’s a few other BIG benefits of starting BIG or going even BIGGER if you’ve already installed solar:

  1. You can get an extra $5,000 off your system, just by adding MORE panels!

The Federal Government rebate incentive is available for ALL solar installations, whether it’s a brand-new system or an additional system or upgrade.

  1. If you’re already on the 44c Feed-In Tariff (FIT), you can still go BIGGER!

Yes! You read that right! You CAN still go BIGGER and not lose the 44c! Contact us for more information on what solution would best suit your needs.

  1. Even if you’ve already installed up to 5kW of solar, you can still get more incentives!

With the inverter capacity in North Queensland now at 10kW for single phase and 30kW for three phase installations (grid connect), you will receive even more incentives if you go BIGGER. With a maximum feed in of 5kW per phase, you will be eligible for both the upfront incentive for going bigger, along with more feed-in credits to further increase your return on investment and reduce your ongoing energy costs.

To find out how you could benefit from starting BIG or going BIGGER with your solar system, call our team of solar experts for an obligation-free chat.


The lesser known health impacts of our current consumption habits

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Climate change hits the headlines almost daily these days. We’re told about the negative effect fossil fuels have on the environment, that greenhouse gas emissions are on the rise and to watch our carbon footprint.

We tend to think about climate change as purely an environmental problem, but what’s concerning our medical experts are the health impacts of our current energy consumption. Issues that not only risk affecting us and our loved ones, but also come at a huge expense.

In this blog, we explore the health risks associated with our current energy consumption and how solar electricity can create a positive impact on both our health and the environment.

Health risks driven by climate change

In Australia it is estimated that the adverse health impacts from pollutants produced from coal fired electricity generation cost the country $2.6 billion annually^. Production and combustion of petroleum and diesel for transport is a huge source of air pollution which can leads to respiratory issues, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. In fact, it is estimated that air pollution results in 3,000 premature deaths each year and costs the nation up to $24.3 billion in health expenses every year^.

It’s not just air pollution that is affecting our health. Heatwaves resulting from climate change lead to an increase in heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. They drive up hospital admissions – particularly amongst the elderly and people with chronic illnesses.

Climate change, if left unmitigated, is expected to result in a further 1.4 billion instances of people being exposed to drought per year which brings with it concerns about the availability of food and water. Extreme weather events are also risking agricultural production and cause destruction to homes and natural ecosystems – all issues that ultimately impact our general wellbeing.

Make the switch to solar

By going solar, you can reduce the demand for fossil fuels, limit greenhouse gas emissions, and shrink your carbon footprint. Just one home installing a solar energy system can have a measurable impact on the environment. Not only that, solar energy can save you money on your electricity bills, so you can focus on the more important things. It’s a win, win…win!

Here’s a few other ways solar power can support both the environment and our health:

  • Solar energy results in very few air pollutants. Adopting solar power would significantly reduce nitrous oxides, sulphur dioxide and particulate matter emissions, all of which can lead to health implications.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the demand for fossil fuels could help to reduce negative climate changes, meaning lower risk of natural disaster, drought, flooding and agricultural issues.
  • Solar energy could lead to fewer cases of chronic bronchitis, respiratory and cardiovascular problems.
  • The best part – solar energy is readily abundant (thank you sun) and free! In fact, if we could capture all the sun’s energy shining on the earth for just one hour, we could power the entire world for one year#!

Take the first step towards a happier, healthier, more sustainable future and join the solar power movement. Call our friendly team at Green Energy Technologies and make the switch today.





5 sure-fire steps to choosing the right solar provider

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Choosing a solar provider can be tough! With dozens to choose from, multiple sales pitches and an information overload, it’s easy to get lost. After 20 years of experience in the industry, we’ve seen and heard it all. We’ve recognized a pattern in the similar mistakes customers make in choosing a solar system and a provider. So, we’ve put together 5 sure-fire steps that are essential for solar success but are often overlooked 90% of buyers.

  1. Know what you really want

80% of people looking into solar become overwhelmed by the stacks of information handed down from solar salespeople. What often happens as a result is a push for products that are more important to the sales team and the business making money, than those that are right for the customer. It’s easy to lose track of what you really want.

That’s why it’s important to start with one main solar goal. If you’re like most people and your goal is to save money – start with that. Our biggest piece of advice is… Don’t be an expert on what they sell, be an expert on what you want. Then make them prove to you that they can deliver. It is the job of the provider to convince you that what they’re selling will deliver and will continue to deliver to achieve your goal.

  1. Show me your credentials

This step is often overlooked. For some, it’s easier to assume trust in a company to avoid an awkward conversation – but you should feel as comfortable and confident with your solar provider, as you do with your GP sitting next to their framed degree. Your decision to invest in solar power needs to be backed up by credentials. The most important thing to check is the legitimacy of the company. Take this list to your potential solar provider and ensure they tick these boxes:

  • Are they an approved Solar Retailer with the Clean Energy Council (CEC)?
  • Do they have an Electrical Contractors License?
  • Are they CEC accredited with appropriate additions?
  • Do they have extensive solar experience and solid references?
  • What other installs have they done in the area?
  • Do they have public liability (min $5M)?

If the company is not partnered with the CEC as an approved retailer, you should ask for a good reason as to why. The CEC approved retailer program holds a sales company to a minimum of 5 years guarantee on the promises made at sale time. This is a voluntary program that only exists to give the end user more assurance. So be wary of those who are not part of this program and ensure they give similar guarantees.

  1. Products and service go hand in hand

Comparing products (as described in step 1), even for the most experienced and solar savvy, can be challenging. Comparing a company’s quality of service is equally important but often easier to determine. Read customers reviews on their post-installation service, check out their ratings and ask around town. Don’t just hold your provider accountable on the product alone (that’s the easy part), ensure they can meet your service needs as well. Tell them what you expect and ask them how they will deliver – not only on the install, but on post-service questions, call outs or unexpected issues.

Service starts from the moment you first make contact. Take note of your provider’s ability to deliver on their promises. How do they guarantee it? Who do you call after the install? Will they be around to help if anything goes south?

  1. Who will keep an eye on your solar?

Like anything, there is always a slight chance of something going wrong with a solar system. So, who keeps an eye out for problems? Over 90% of solar systems are totally reliant on the end user picking up on an issue and determining the best course of action. Monitoring your own solar is beneficial, but it’s often hard for a customer to understand the reports and check it regularly. That’s when you want your solar provider to be there. A very reasonable statement to put to a provider is – I do not want to be responsible for ensuring my system delivers over its life. That is your role. How you will do it?

The less expectation put on you as the end user, the more you know that provider will be around to assist. If your provider does not want to discuss it now, then they definitely won’t later.

  1. Think about costs vs value

We all know that some things are too good to be true, but for the lack of better information, sometimes we just can’t help but go for475 the cheapest option. We know however, that the cheapest is very rarely the best.

Getting the cheapest cost item up front can be a comforting way to make a decision. However, the logical side of our brain (or our logical better half) tells us otherwise. Up until now, the most logical way to make a decision about solar was to compare it at face value, which usually comes down to cost comparison. But, the key here is to ask the right questions and ask for the facts – get mathematical! The cheapest upfront cost might not always deliver the best long term ROI. Our director, Kon Flaherty has put together a set of fool-proof calculations that can help you make an informed, confident decision.

For more information about how you can achieve solar success, call our team of Green Energy experts for an obligation-free discussion about your solar power needs.

5 solar power myths, busted!

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The topic of solar electricity, despite its proven benefits, still invites some sceptics. Solar power technology has advanced astronomically over the past 20 years – and with more efficient technology, the overall cost of solar has dropped and the quality has shot waaay up! 

Starting as a once expensive energy source, it seems that there are still some misconceptions about this renewable energy solution and we’re here to set the record straight. We’ve intercepted 5 common solar myths that could be holding you back from a $0 power bill and a more sustainable lifestyle. 

MYTH #1. High electricity prices are just this generation’s reality 

Yes – electricity prices in Australia are some of the highest in the world. Even after a slight fall in mid-2017, power prices are still the highest they’ve been for 20 years – and if we continue to use power from the grid, this isn’t going to change any time soon. 


But, alongside high power prices, this generation also brings with it more advanced and cost-effective solar power technology than ever before. Therefore, increased power prices are only a factor for those who rely solely on the grid. To give you an idea of the savings you could see on your power bill, two of our Green Energy customers reported that “…before solar, [their] bill was over $800 and the last one was $65” – Robert and Rebecca Hold, Whitsundays. 

MYTH #2. I can’t afford it 

The most common misconception is that solar power is too expensive, and the average Australian household or small business can’t afford it. There are initial installation costs which depend on the system you choose, but if you can afford what you’re currently paying for power, you can afford solar. 


As power prices continue to rise with everyday expenses, you really can’t afford not to. If you compare the cost per kwhrs (which is the actual power produced by a unit); 1kwhr generated from solar costs between 6-10 cents. The same kwhr delivered through a standard electricity retailer is closer to 30 cents! This usually means that the money you’re saving on your monthly power bill exceeds that of your monthly solar repayments. At Green Energy, we can calculate your individual solar savings based on your last bill.

There are also a variety of Government rebates and financial incentives that will help to reduce the cost of installation. Talk to our team about finding an incentive you could be eligible for.

MYTH #3. It’ll take too long to make back my investment 

Some homeowner’s think they’ll have to wait over 20 years to see their solar power benefits and are concerned that it will take too long to pay of the cost of solar installation – but let’s consider the facts:  


Depending on your location and the size of your solar system, you could start seeing a return on your investment almost immediately. Most of our customers make back their installation costs in as little as three to five years. Our friendly team of experts can talk you through your potential ROI and find a solar plan that’s right for you. 

Solar panels can also increase the value of your property. New research from and Origin Energy found that 85% of Australians identify solar rooftop panels as something which adds to a property’s value. Three quarters of renters also said they would pay additional rent to live in a property with solar energy. 

MYTH #4: I’ll never be able to understand it all

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the solar tech information out there, you’re not alone. It’s hard to know where to begin and it’s likely to be one of those life-admin tasks that has slipped into the too-hard-basket. 


Solar panels are complicated pieces of technology – but a way to combat that is to find an installer you can trust. At Green Energy, we take the time to explain all our solar plans to make sure you understand what you’re getting and what your ROI will be. This could all be done and dusted in one consultation. 

We believe in developing strong, transparent relationships with all our customers, so they know they’re in safe hands. Check out our online case studies to hear from some of our satisfied solar warriors.  

MYTH #5: There’s no harm in holding off 

For a lot of people, the reason for holding off on installing solar could be explained by any 4 of the above solar myths, but we’re here to put things into perspective. 


In short, there’s never been a better time to invest in solar. Government incentives are decreasing, energy prices are going up, solar panel prices are coming down and the technology is as good as it’s ever been. Don’t waste money by waiting. Invest in your own electricity solution, stop paying for grid power and stay ahead of the power price rises and government incentive phase out.



Photo by American Public Power Association on Unsplash\


Solar power to reduce Australia’s #1 cost of living concern

By Blog

It’s no surprise that electricity prices are the number 1 cost of living concern in Australia – our power bills are some of the highest in the world! A study by Canstar shows that 42% of their over-50s respondents believe that energy costs are their main cause of bill stress, closely followed by health insurance and council rates. 

More and more Australian households are struggling to pay their electricity bills with some reports showing that families are choosing to move houses, throw out electrical appliances or live without heating in winter – all to save on their power bills and keep their living costs down. 

To make matters worse, Australian electricity prices are only getting higher, with some politicians saying that these highs are the “new normal”. What we’re now calling “normal” is a 117% increase in electricity prices over the past decade – that’s 4 times the average price increase across sectors, according to the ABC. 

Australians are calling for governments to prioritise and invest in renewable energy sources to offer a solution to the ever-rising electricity prices and provide a long-term power solution for our future. 

Australia’s Renewable Energy Target (RET) has implemented large and small-scale renewable energy schemes, aimed at ensuring 23.5% of Australia’s electricity comes from renewable sources by 2020. For the everyday Australian, these schemes provide a financial incentive to install small-scale renewable energy systems such a rooftop solar, solar water heaters and heat pumps. Now more than ever is the time to invest in solar energy – with government rebates helping to take the sting out of initial set up costs.   

Be part of the solution and join the thousands of Australians enjoying the benefits of solar power.

  • Drastically reduce your electricity bills so you can focus on the more important things 
  • Reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to the 23.5% renewable energy target 
  • Generate clean power for your home or business without costing the earth 
  • Increase the value of your home or business 
  • Put that Queensland sunshine to good use! 

As an approved solar energy provider by Australia’s Clean Energy Council, we say SWITCH TO SOLAR and stop paying too much for power bills. 

Call our friendly team of experts at Green Energy to find out how you can cross electricity bills off your list of worries.
