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December 2023

How To Choose The Right Solar Panel Provider In Australia

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Switching to solar power is a strategic decision that can drastically reduce your carbon footprint and save on energy costs. That’s why choosing the right solar provider is crucial to ensure a high-quality installation and optimal system performance. However, with numerous options available in the Australian market, it can be challenging to navigate through the choices. 

In this blog post, we’ll provide tips on choosing a solar panel provider, highlighting key factors to consider when selecting an installer. We’ll also offer useful advice on comparing solar system installation quotes and share other important information to ensure you pick up the best solar panels in Australia.

Look for relevant accreditations 

When choosing a solar panel provider for your home, it’s crucial to verify their accreditations and certifications. These demonstrate that the installer meets industry standards and has undergone training to ensure safe and reliable installations. Some important accreditations to look for in Australia include:

  • Clean Energy Council (CEC) Accreditation

The Clean Energy Council is the peak industry body for the clean energy sector in Australia. CEC accreditation guarantees that the installer has met the requirements for designing and installing solar systems. 

Look for companies with CEC accreditation to ensure high expertise and adherence to industry best practices. Currently, the CEC lists more than 8,000 accredited installers, so make sure the company you’re interested in is on there. It’s also worth noting that if you use a government initiative or incentive to purchase your solar system, you will not be approved if the installer is not CEC accredited.

  • New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC) 

To further solidify their commitment to responsible solar selling and marketing practices, many solar installer companies may advertise that they are a NETCC approved seller. A NETCC approved seller commits to a high-quality standard for product quotations, customer service, warranties and more.

Assess the installer’s experience and track record

When comparing solar panel installers, experience and word of mouth is everything. Solar panels are a massive investment, so you want to know you’ll be in experienced and helpful hands should something go wrong. 

Consider the experience and track record of the solar panel installer. Look for established companies with a proven history of successful installations and positive customer reviews. A provider with extensive experience is more likely to have encountered a range of installation scenarios and can provide effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.

It’s also a good idea to seek recommendations from friends, family or colleagues who have installed solar panels. Their experiences can provide valuable insights to help you reach a decision.

Evaluate the brands and manufacturers they work with

You wouldn’t put less than the best on your rooftop, so if you want the best solar panels around, be sure your installer works with leading manufacturers and suppliers. Research the brands they use and assess their reputation, reliability and warranty offerings. Look for providers who work with the best solar panel brands whose products are known for their efficiency and durability. A reliable provider will offer transparency and provide detailed information about the components they use.

Compare solar installation quotes 

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, the next step is to reach out and ask for quotes. A good rule of thumb is to obtain at least three quotes from different installers to ensure you’re getting the best value. When you receive your quote, take note of the following:

  • Components — The solar panels, inverter, battery and any other components you’ve requested should be itemised by quantity, model number and brand. Ensure that the quotes also provide information about the system size in kilowatts (kW) and estimated energy output.
  • Installation services — Understand what is included in the installation services. Does the quote cover the complete installation, including mounting, wiring and connection to the electrical system? Ensure that the provider offers a comprehensive installation package to avoid any unexpected costs or gaps in the service.
  • Warranty details — Pay attention to the warranty offered by the provider for both the installation workmanship and the system components. A reputable provider will offer warranties that cover a reasonable duration and provide clarity on the terms and conditions.
  • Support after installation — Enquire about the after-sales service and support provided by the provider. Will they assist you with maintenance, monitoring and potential troubleshooting in the future? A provider with excellent customer support will ensure the long-term performance and satisfaction of your solar panel system.

Check the installer’s financing options

Many installers also offer various financing options to help customers access their solar solutions faster. If this is an area you are interested in, compare the financing options and incentives offered by the solar panel provider. For instance, many companies provide flexible payment plans, such as solar loans or leasing arrangements.

Want the best solar panels in North Queensland? Speak to Green Energy Technologies today

With so many solar panel providers out there, it’s important to choose the one that will provide a hassle-free and professional experience that exceeds your expectations. So if you’re looking for one of the best solar panel installers in Queensland, look no further than Green Energy Technologies.

We aim to become a one-stop-shop solution for all your solar power needs. Our GET360 is an all-encompassing package containing your solar panels, inverter, solar battery, installation and ongoing maintenance and power monitoring. We’ll guide you through the solar installation process, ensuring you have the best components. Our team of installers are also fully accredited and have extensive experience in installing solar systems across the Queensland area, from Mackay to the Whitsundays. So what are you waiting for? Harness the sun’s power through solar panel installation and speak to Green Energy Technologies for a quote today.

Solar Panel Installation Process: What To Expect & How To Prepare

By Blog

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and invest in a solar panel system! But before you can start reaping the benefits of renewable energy, you’ll first need to get across the solar panel installation process and prepare adequately for a seamless transition to solar energy. 

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the process of installing solar panels, from what to look for when researching credible solar installers to shopping around for solar-friendly energy retailers and preparing your rooftop for a smooth solar panel install process.


What is the process of installing solar panels?

With the simplicity and convenience of solar power, it’s no wonder more Australians are making the switch. So without further ado, let’s get into the process of solar panel installation, starting with finding the right installer. 


Research credible installers 

Selecting a reputable and experienced solar panel installer is crucial to ensure a high-quality installation and system performance. Not only do credible installers possess a high level of expertise they share with customers, but they also only work with premium solar manufacturers. When comparing solar panel installers, consider: 

  • Recommendations from family and friends — Ask family, friends, neighbours and colleagues who have had solar panels installed for recommendations. Their firsthand experiences can provide valuable insights. Word of mouth plays a big role in sourcing installers that offer exceptional customer service.
  • The installer’s credentials — Research the installer’s credentials, certifications and licences. Look for memberships in recognised industry associations to ensure their expertise and adherence to best practices. For instance, the Clean Energy Council (CEC) accreditation represents an installer’s competence in designing and installing solar PV systems.
  • Reviews and testimonials — Visit reputable review websites and read customer feedback to gauge the installer’s reputation and customer satisfaction levels. Are they easy to communicate with? Do they offer maintenance and servicing? Owning solar panels is a long-term commitment, so knowing you’ll be in helpful hands is important.
  • Quote differences — Reach out to multiple installers and request detailed quotes that include system specifications, warranties and pricing. Compare at least three quotes to make an informed decision and ensure you get the best value.


Inform your current energy retailer

Before installing solar panels, it’s important to inform your current electricity retailer about your intentions. This allows for a smooth transition and ensures you receive accurate billing information. Contact your retailer and provide them with details about your upcoming solar installation, including the estimated system size and connection date. This communication helps facilitate the necessary metering changes and potential feed-in tariff arrangements.


Prepare your rooftop for solar installation

Before the solar panel installation process begins, several preparations need to be made to ensure your rooftop is ready for solar panels:

  • Assess the roof’s structural integrity — Have a professional assess the structural integrity of your roof to ensure it can support the weight of the solar panels. If necessary, make any repairs or reinforcements before installation.
  • Clear obstructions — Trim or remove any overhanging branches or objects that could shade the solar panels and reduce their efficiency. This also helps your installer navigate the roof and avoid any issues.
  • Plan the wiring and inverter placement — Your installer should have a plan for the most efficient wiring and inverter placement. Discuss with you the best location for the inverter, which converts the DC electricity generated by the panels into usable AC electricity for your home.

Once this is all taken care of, all that’s left to do is wait for your new solar panel system to be installed! 

What about the solar panel installation process for commercial purposes

While commercial solar panels differ in sizing, layout and quantity, the installation process isn’t all that different. Like residents, business owners are highly encouraged to compare installers and prepare their building’s rooftops for solar panels. 

Maintain your solar panel system 

If well maintained, solar panels have a life expectancy of over 20 years. To ensure optimal performance and longevity of your solar panel system, regular maintenance is essential. You can preserve your system’s longevity through: 

  • Regular cleaning — Regularly clean your panels to remove any dirt and debris that could reduce their efficiency. Use a soft brush or hose and avoid abrasive materials or harsh chemicals.
  • Monitoring performance — Monitor your system’s performance, checking for any noticeable changes or drops in energy production. As part of our GET360 solar package for residential customers, Green Energy Technologies offers 24/7 back-to-base monitoring, giving you added peace of mind that we’re keeping an eye on your system.
  • Annual inspections —Schedule annual inspections with your installer to assess the overall condition of your system, including panels, wiring and inverters. They can identify and address any issues or potential maintenance requirements.


Choose Green Energy Technologies as your solar installer 

Choosing to switch to solar power is a significant step towards a sustainable and cost-effective energy future — which means you need the right people by your side during this transition. Green Energy Technologies is a reputable and qualified Queensland solar panel installer for residential and commercial customers. 

We offer hassle-free installations across several Queensland areas, including the Whitsundays, Mackay and Townsville. We offer tailored solar power solutions to all customers, ensuring they receive a solution that best meets their needs. Whether you’re a homeowner who wants to invest in a full-service solar solution or a business owner looking to experience a reduced bill through a solar retailer, we can help. 

For more information about our range of solar solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us for a quote. 

Whitsundays Region

By Whitsundays Region

View of Whitsundays AustraliaNestled in the heart of Queensland, the Whitsundays Region beckons with its stunning landscapes and pristine beauty. As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, the Whitsundays have become a focal point for harnessing the power of the sun through cutting-edge green energy technologies. In this article, we delve into the realm of solar power in the Whitsundays, shedding light on the significance of solar panels and the expertise of Whitsunday solar installers.

The Whitsunday Islands, a collection of 74 continental islands varying in size, are situated off the central coast of Queensland, approximately 900 kilometers (560 miles) north of Brisbane. The islands stretch from the northern coast near Bowen to the southern coast near Proserpine. The central point of the island group is Whitsunday Island, with Hamilton Island serving as the primary commercial hub. The Ngaro people and the Gia people, particularly the Juru people, are the traditional custodians of the area, with the Juru people holding the only legally recognized native title in the Whitsunday Region.

These islands fall under the jurisdiction of the Whitsundays locality and the Whitsunday Region in terms of local government. In 2009, during the Q150 celebrations, the Whitsunday Islands earned recognition as one of the Q150 Icons of Queensland, acknowledging their significance as a natural attraction.

Solar Power in the Whitsundays: A Ray of Sustainable Progress

The Whitsundays Region, renowned for its azure waters and picturesque islands, is fast becoming a beacon of sustainable progress. With abundant sunlight throughout the year, the region is perfectly poised to embrace solar power technologies. Solar power in the Whitsundays is not just an alternative; it’s a commitment to reducing carbon footprints and embracing a cleaner, greener future.

Solar Panels Whitsundays: Capturing Sunshine for a Brighter Tomorrow

At the forefront of this renewable energy revolution are solar panels in the Whitsundays. These photovoltaic wonders silently convert sunlight into electricity, providing a reliable and eco-friendly power source. The efficiency of solar panels in the Whitsundays is maximised by the region’s ample sunshine, making it an ideal investment for businesses and residents alike.

Whitsundays Solar Installers: Bringing Clean Energy to Your Doorstep

Green Energy Solar PanelsThe success of solar power adoption hinges on the proficiency of solar installers. In the Whitsundays, Green Energy Technologies takes pride in bringing clean energy to your doorstep. Their skilled installers ensure that solar panels are seamlessly integrated into your home or business, providing a sustainable energy source that aligns with the unique beauty of the Whitsundays.

Whitsundays Solar Installers: Bringing Clean Energy to Your Doorstep

The success of solar power adoption hinges on the proficiency of solar installers. In the Whitsundays, Green Energy Technologies takes pride in bringing clean energy to your doorstep. Their skilled installers ensure that solar panels are seamlessly integrated into your home or business, providing a sustainable energy source that aligns with the unique beauty of the Whitsundays.

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Benefits of Solar Power in the Whitsundays with Green Energy Technologies:

  1. Unmatched Expertise: Green Energy Technologies brings unparalleled expertise to solar installations, ensuring maximum efficiency and performance.
  2. Customized Solutions: Recognizing the unique needs of each client, Green Energy Technologies provides tailor-made solar solutions for homes and businesses in the Whitsundays.
  3. Top-Quality Installations: With a commitment to excellence, Green Energy Technologies ensures that every solar panel installation meets the highest standards of quality and durability.
  4. Long-Term Savings: Choosing Green Energy Technologies means not only embracing sustainability but also enjoying significant long-term savings on energy costs.

Challenges and Future Outlook:

Green Energy Technologies acknowledges the challenges associated with solar power adoption, including initial investment costs. However, they firmly believe that the long-term benefits far outweigh the upfront expenses. As technological advancements continue and government initiatives support sustainable practices, the future outlook for solar power in the Whitsundays, guided by Green Energy Technologies, is exceedingly promising.

As the Whitsundays basks in the radiant glow of its sun-kissed landscapes, the region is also embracing a sun-powered future. Solar power technology, fuelled by the expertise of Whitsunday solar experts and installers, is unlocking new possibilities for sustainability. Whether you’re a business owner looking to reduce operational costs or a resident aspiring to live off the grid, the Whitsundays offer a solar-powered journey towards a brighter and cleaner tomorrow. Join the movement, harness the sun, and be a part of the sustainable evolution in the Whitsundays.

As the Whitsundays basks in the radiant glow of its sun-kissed landscapes, the region is also embracing a sun-powered future with Green Energy Technologies leading the charge. Whether you’re a business owner looking to reduce operational costs or a resident aspiring to live off the grid, Green Energy Technologies offers a solar-powered journey towards a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable tomorrow. Join the movement, harness the sun, and let Green Energy Technologies illuminate your path to a greener Whitsundays.

Discover valuable information about solar energy in towns and suburbs throughout Australia, including the picturesque Whitsundays.

Whether you’re considering installing solar panels or already have them, explore information about local resources, system performance, and council requirements. Gain insights into the optimal panel angle for your location and request quotes from reliable installers in your area. If you’re already using solar energy, learn about electricity generation statistics, the popularity of PV installations, and how your area compares to the rest of Australia.

Check out Whitsundays Region City listings: